Berri Cross Patiently Helps Students Through Difficult Times

Published on: November 2, 2020
October 2020 GTCC Employee of the Month Berri Cross

Regardless of the question or problem or dilemma a Guilford Technical Community College student presents Berri Cross, she patiently and calmly finds the correct answer or points them in the right direction. Which is why she was recognized as GTCC’s October employee of the month.

As GTCC’s director of student life, Berri is a treasure. She represents what loyalty to the college and to the students of the college looks like. I have seen Berri provide needed guidance with finding classes, understanding how to enroll, how to get their FA complete, and even how to get to the DMV so that they could get a state-issued ID in order to get a student ID.

Berri is an employee whose love for her job shines through each day without fail. On more than one occasion, I have witnessed Berri sit with students and listen to their concerns when they weren't sure how to plan for their next steps in life upon graduating GTCC.

Berri has guided students on how to enroll in a four-year college, even calling those colleges to make sure the student gets in the best program and classes to ensure their overall success toward their future plans/career. Berri works with our students in the SGA program and in the ambassador program in a way that these students gain the knowledge on how to be leaders on campus as well as out in our community.

 Please join us in congratulating Berri for being GTCC’s October employee of the month.

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